religion for breakfast

Is Buddhism an Atheistic Religion?

The Pre-Biblical Origins of Noah's Flood

The Didache | Another Book That Almost Made It Into the Bible?

Melchizedek: The Most Mysterious Man in the Bible

Dagon: The 'Philistine Fish-God' That Everyone Gets Wrong

The Most Misunderstood Parable of Jesus

Why Does the Number 7 Appear Everywhere in Religion?'

The Origin of Christian Saints

Bishop TD Jakes & Creating A Faith Filled Home | Episode 28 | The Culture & The Cross

What is Hermeticism?

What is Atheism?

The Shakers Explained

New Age Spirituality Explained

Did the Gospels Copy Each Other?

What Is the Best Bible Translation?

The Origins of Satan

Grimoires Explained: Manuals of Magic

The Real Reasons Why People Become Atheists

Dyeus: The Indo-European Sky Father

Does the Bible Command Women to Wear Veils?

The Druids: What Do We Really Know?

What is Wicca?

The Real Origin of the Pope's Pointy Hat

YHWH had a Wife?